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Ayesha Muhammad

Ayesha Muhammad


Ayesha Muhammad is an Editorial Writer at Amomama Publishing, working on the US Viral Team. Her sole responsibilities include churning engaging content for both entertainment and educational purposes.


Ayesha is a writer based in Pakistan, as well as a published author and researcher in the international GSTF Journal on Business Review. Prior to her current position at Amomama Publishing, Ayesha held several various positions as a Sales, HR and customer relationship officer at Suzuki Motors, HAIER Electronics, and GSTF. She also worked as a researcher, writer and Academics Cordinator in the media sector, working directly for World Times Institute, TechAbout, and WomanlyLive.


Ayesha has an educational background in Business Management. She studied Business Management, specializing in Marketing & Sales at Forman Christian College, graduating in December 2017.

Awards and Accreditation

Ayesha graduated Magna cum Laude with an Honor of Distinction and is the recipient of Vice Rector's List. She represented her institution and country in the International Soliya Connect Program. She presented her Research Paper "Do Good Reap Good: Implications of CSR for Organizational Performance" as the First Author at The Biz Strategy Conference 2017 in Singapore. To add to her immense achievements Ayesha has also participated in the ICBT Workshop in Singapore.

Hobbies and Passions

Ayesha is passionate about trying out new things and testing her creativity. She hopes to use her creativity to positively impact and change the world, one story at a time. She loves reading and expressing her thoughts in poetry, prose, and short writing pieces. When she’s not writing news content or viral stories, she’s most likely busy contemplating a storyline of her own. She also relishes catching up on her favorite movies and TV shows. Nature walks and yoga help her unwind, and cooking helps her appreciate the flavors of life. She’s also a true hodophile at heart.

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